I was workin’ part-time in a five-and-dime
My boss was Mr. McGee
He told me several times
That he didn't like my kind cuz I was a bit too leisurely
It seems that I was busy doin’ somethin’ close too nothin’
But different than the day before
That's when I saw her, ooh, I saw her
She walked in through the out door, out door
She wore a raspberry beret
The kind you’d find in a second hand store
Raspberry beret
If it was warm, she wouldn't wear much more
Raspberry beret
I think I love her
Built like she was, she had the nerve to ask m'once
If I planned to do her any harm
So loka here now, I put her on the back of my bike
And uh, we went ridin' down by Old Man Johnson's farm
I said now, overcast days never turned me on
But somethin’ ‘bout the clouds and her mixed
She wasn't too bright, but I could tell when she kissed me
She knew how to get her kicks
Rain sounds so cool when it hits the barn roof
And the horses wonder who you are
Thunder drowns out what the lightning sees
You feel like a movie star
They say the first time ain't the greatest
But I'll tell ya, if I had the chance to do it all again, oh
I wouldn't change a stroke cuz baby, I'm the most
With a girl as fine as she was then
Raspberry Beret, Prince - 1985
Vidéo de Raspberry Beret interprété par Prince and the Revolution - 1985
Ajouter le lait et la crème, battre à nouveau quelques instants.
Transférer le tout dans une casserole à fond épais ou en cuivre et faire cuire sur un feu modéré jusqu’à 170°, en remuant de temps à autre.
Retirer du feu et laisser tiédir quelques instants.
Ajouter la purée de framboise, le Chambord et le jus de citron, bien mélanger.
Transférer le tout dans une jatte, couvrir et mettre au frigo environ 6H, encore mieux toute une nuit.
Lorsque bien refroidi, verser le tout dans la sorbetière et turbiner selon les directives du manufacturier.
Transférer le tout dans un contenant hermétique et mettre au congélateur au moins 3H, ou jusqu’à bien ferme.
My boss was Mr. McGee
He told me several times
That he didn't like my kind cuz I was a bit too leisurely
It seems that I was busy doin’ somethin’ close too nothin’
But different than the day before
That's when I saw her, ooh, I saw her
She walked in through the out door, out door
She wore a raspberry beret
The kind you’d find in a second hand store
Raspberry beret
If it was warm, she wouldn't wear much more
Raspberry beret
I think I love her
Built like she was, she had the nerve to ask m'once
If I planned to do her any harm
So loka here now, I put her on the back of my bike
And uh, we went ridin' down by Old Man Johnson's farm
I said now, overcast days never turned me on
But somethin’ ‘bout the clouds and her mixed
She wasn't too bright, but I could tell when she kissed me
She knew how to get her kicks
Rain sounds so cool when it hits the barn roof
And the horses wonder who you are
Thunder drowns out what the lightning sees
You feel like a movie star
They say the first time ain't the greatest
But I'll tell ya, if I had the chance to do it all again, oh
I wouldn't change a stroke cuz baby, I'm the most
With a girl as fine as she was then
Raspberry Beret, Prince - 1985
Vidéo de Raspberry Beret interprété par Prince and the Revolution - 1985
- 2 gros œufs
- ⅔ tasse sucre
- 1 tasse lait entier
- 1 tasse crème 35%
- 1½ tasse purée de framboises (passée au chinois)
- 1 cuillerée à thé Chambord (ou autre liqueur de framboise)
- 1 cuillerée à table jus de citron fraîchement pressé
Ajouter le lait et la crème, battre à nouveau quelques instants.
Transférer le tout dans une casserole à fond épais ou en cuivre et faire cuire sur un feu modéré jusqu’à 170°, en remuant de temps à autre.
Retirer du feu et laisser tiédir quelques instants.
Ajouter la purée de framboise, le Chambord et le jus de citron, bien mélanger.
Transférer le tout dans une jatte, couvrir et mettre au frigo environ 6H, encore mieux toute une nuit.
Lorsque bien refroidi, verser le tout dans la sorbetière et turbiner selon les directives du manufacturier.
Transférer le tout dans un contenant hermétique et mettre au congélateur au moins 3H, ou jusqu’à bien ferme.